Ingredients: green tea, St. John's wort (herb), chamomile (flowers), mint (leaf), plantain (root), agrimony (herb), yarrow (herb), bran (wheat).
ST. John's wort: Used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, enterocolitis, ulcerative colitis, hemorrhoids), liver, gall bladder, and is also used as an astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic, wound healing agent.
CHAMOMILE: Used for acute and chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, colitis and enterocolitis. It brings quick relief and "calms" the stomach.
MINT: Used for gastrointestinal spasms, diarrhea, heart pain, hepatic colic, nausea, heartburn, to improve appetite, and as an antitussive.
PLANTAIN: Contains carotene, vitamin C, and phytoncides. Used for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, and to improve digestion.
AGRICULTURE: Has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, tonic, diuretic, choleretic, analgesic, hemostatic, astringent, anthelmintic, antihelminthic, antitumor properties. Used in the treatment of chronic liver diseases (stones, hepatitis, cirrhosis), gastric diseases, intestinal polyps, and intestinal sluggishness. YARROW: Used as a hemostatic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, astringent, anti-allergic, choleretic agent, as well as for kidney diseases, gallstone disease, hemorrhoids, gastrointestinal tract diseases.
Method of preparation: pour 1 filter bag with one glass (200 ml) of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes, it is recommended to take 1 glass of tea drink 3 times a day during meals.
Manufacturer: Fitokod LLC, 440061, Russia, Penza, Karakozova Street, Bldg. 44 Seller: SIA "Alvedik", Stiebru Street 2-4, Riga, LV-1015, Latvia. E-mail: [email protected] Tel. / phone: +371 29360063
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