Tea drink #8 "Herbs for the eyes", (30 bags)
Composition: green tea, rowan (fruit), blueberry (leaf), rose hips (fruit), mint (leaf), nettle (leaf), bran (wheat).
Rowan - contains provitamin A-beta-carotene, as well as vitamin P and ascorbic acid. Rowan fruits also contain various sugars (fructose, glucose, sorbose, sucrose), organic acids (malic, tartaric and citric), pectin substances, tannins and bitter substances, vitamins K, E, B, etc. The fruits have anti-inflammatory, astringent, hypotensive, tonic effects.
Blueberry - promotes the renewal of retinal cells and improves blood circulation. This is due to its beneficial effect on vision.
Rosehip - rich in vitamin C, which is part of the essential vitamins for the eyes. It is rich in B vitamins, carotene, pectin, iron salts, calcium, magnesium, etc. Vitamin C strengthens the eye muscles, improves eye performance, improves stress tolerance, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, slows down the aging process.
Mint - used for nervous diseases and pain in the heart, cholecystitis, flatulence, nausea and vomiting, migraines, insomnia, rheumatism, colds, atherosclerosis, hypertension, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, angina pectoris, spasms of the cerebral vessels and metabolic disorders.
Nettle - increases the body's resistance to many bacteria, toxins, harmful effects of radiation, strengthens the immune system, and also provides a high degree of protection of the body from oxygen deficiency. Method of preparation: pour one glass (200 ml) of boiling water over 1 filter bag and leave for 15 minutes. It is recommended to take 1 glass of tea drink 3 times a day.
Manufacturer: Fitokod LLC, 440061, Russia, Penza, Karakozova Street, 44
Seller: Alvedik SIA, Stiebru Street 2-4, Riga, LV-1015, Latvia. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +371 29360063
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